- 1). Get the lighter you are planning to cover. String some beads on a thread and circle the bottom of the lighter. Keep stringing beads until they reach all the way around the lighter. Remove the beads and count them to know how wide to make your pattern. String the beads again starting at the bottom of the lighter until you reach the top. Remove the beads and count them to know how tall to make your pattern. Multiply the two numbers to get the total number of beads you will need. How many beads you will need depends on the size of your lighter. The case will be exactly the size of your lighter plus the width of two beads, as you are making it to fit and measuring the lighter beforehand.
- 2). Draw a pattern on peyote stitch graph paper using the colors you will be using for your cover. A peyote stitch is used to make rows with beads -- in this case, a tubular row, as you will be making a tube-shaped case. You string the first row, loop through the first bead in the row to make a circle, then zigzag stitch the next row on top of the first, alternating just like a pattern of bricks. A pattern will show you exactly how many beads of each color you will be stringing.
- 3). String the beads. Start with the bottom row of your pattern. When you get to the end of the circle, loop back through the first bead on the string. Begin your new row on top of the first row, stringing the beads back and forth in a spiral. Keep adding new circular rows until your case is the same height as the lighter. When you finish the last row, tie off the end of your thread and you are done.