Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Step by Step Guide to Make a Winning Road Traffic Accident Claim

Making a road traffic accident claim is not easy.
But it can be achieved when you have all the evidences pertaining to the accident.
You can go step by step to win your road accident claim.
Where money is involved people will fight you tooth and nail.
You need all the advantages you can get to claim your compensation.
The first step will be to record as much of the accident as you can.
Of course, you will be somewhat dazed and disoriented after the incident but acting fast will help you later on.
So get a hold of yourself and take pictures of the scene of misfortune.
Use the camera in your mobile phone.
Even if the resolution is poor, it will still hold good.
If you do not have a camera, be resourceful.
Sketch the scene or ask someone else to sketch it for you.
Talk to people nearby and get their addresses.
They are your witnesses and therefore, the friends who are going to help you win your road traffic accident claim.
In fact, they may know more about the accident than you.
Each one may have a slightly different version but what matters is that they all agree that you are the innocent one.
Also talk to the guilty party.
It is necessary not to shout or make a scene at the accident spot.
Just get their contact and insurance details.
Do not call them "guilty" to their face.
You can do that later through your solicitor.
Be the first to register a complaint in the nearest police station.
Act fast and do not delay.
It could be held against you, especially if the guilty one registers a complaint against you.
The next step is important both health-wise and claim-wise.
You need to visit a doctor.
If your injuries are bad, get medical certificates stating the fact.
File all your bills.
Your compensation amount should cover all expenses.
As soon as possible write down everything you can remember about the accident.
You can start from how you were driving correctly following all the road rules.
Emphasize how it was the other person's fault.
Note down how the damages looked.
Point out all the evidences in your favor.
Then ensure your success by hiring the best solicitor around.
When people hear about your accident they are sure to recommend a good one to you.
Never hire a solicitor who is new to the practice or one who is unknown.
Before you sign them on, make sure they work on a no win no fee policy.
The most important rule when you go for a road traffic accident claim is that you should be the innocent one.
Follow road rules.
Always have your seat belt on.
Do not drink while driving.
Drive safely and claim your compensation easily.
So when you go to file your case you will be eligible for it.
If you follow all the above mentioned points you are sure to get 100% compensation.
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