Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Pitbull Pregnancy Symptoms


    • Behavior change is a big key to picking up on many dog illnesses and conditions, pregnancy being only one of them. Sometimes a pit bull will get more distant from its owner as the pregnancy progresses, or get more private. The pit bull may also demand more attention than usual. Because of the tendency for pit bulls to get aggressive with other dogs and animals, you may need to seclude your pit bull from other creatures during the pregnancy.

    Morning Sickness and Weight Loss

    • Pit bulls (and dogs in general) share this symptom with pregnant humans -- many will suffer through morning sickness. Obvious signs of nausea or regular vomiting could be signs of morning sickness. A pit bull may also lose weight (and their appetite) for a few weeks. This is normal, although you don't want your animal to get too skinny. These can be related -- the animal may be losing weight because it is throwing up its breakfast -- but it is generally a brief phase. The animal may also experience lethargy or excessive tiredness.

    Milk and Veterinarian

    • A pit bull's nipples will enlarge when it is pregnant (another trait dogs share with humans). The pit bull may start producing milk as well, especially as the pregnancy progresses towards the end of the gestation cycle. If you suspect your pit bull is pregnant, you should take it to a vet to confirm this. The vet has several ways they can confirm a pregnancy, and the vet can also give you health supplements for your dog should you need them.

    Care and Imminent Birth

    • Encourage your pit bull to be as active as it normally is, and ensure it has access to plenty of food and water. Right before the birth, the pregnant pit bull might start to dig around, and attempt to create a nest. Provide a whelping box of some kind for your pit bull -- a large cardboard box and a few blankets is adequate -- and place this box somewhere where the pit bull won't be bothered by other animals too much. Be sure, after the birth, to keep the whelping box clean and that the mother is eating and drinking enough.

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