Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

Candle Holders - Containing the Glow

A candle holder is a complimentary device designed to hold a candle, giving it both a protective base, and a display setting from which the glow of the flame can be aptly appreciated. Some people use candle holders as decorations in their own right, leaving the pieces out whether they have candles going or not. Other people leave them in storage, waiting until an appropriate time comes up, and then setting light to candle and letting the little displays shine.

When you choose to make candle holders into a permanent piece of the room's dcor, it's important to choose pieces which flow with the natural style of the space. Selecting holders which are too showy will cause them to be an eyesore when they are not being used. However if you select pieces which are too plain, they will detract from the unique beauty of the space itself. In this way, it is best to select pieces which have a moderate amount of interest, but which will balance the overall quality of the space.

It is also important to know how various pieces will look when actually holding a lit candle. Things to consider are the reflectivity of the material, whether it has translucent properties, and where the wick will be at various points during the candles burn. All of these factors will influence how the candle holder will look when its in its prime, shining and flickering against the darkness of the night.

Reflectivity is often a prized characteristic in candle holders, since it can take the light from the flame and multiply it, sometimes even a thousand fold. Many glass candle holders have this property, as well as multi faceted gemstone pieces.

Translucence is the property where the light from the candle will actually shine through the material, illuminating it from within, causing the entire piece to light up. This can also be true of frosted glass, onyx, and some marble pieces. However you need to be aware of where the candles flame actually resides. If the candle is too tall, it will sit atop the holder, rather than glowing from within.

Candle holders can be a beautiful addition to the home, whether they are permanent or temporary parts of the environment. The flame from a candle can flicker against the darkness of night, keeping you warm and giving hope to those who see the future in its flickering little flame.

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