- 1). Lightly press out any folds or wrinkles in your drapes before hanging them. Use a setting on your iron appropriate for the fabric type. Iron on the reverse side of the fabric and use a pressing cloth to prevent ironing tracks.
- 2). Position a step ladder, stool or sturdy chair to give you higher reach and greater accessibility to your rod and curtains. Make sure that your ladder or stool is positioned securely for safety's sake.
- 3). Examine the curtain rod that you'll use to hang your tap tops on. Ensure that the tabs on the drapes are large enough to slip the rod through comfortably and allow for free movement of the drapery on the rod. It is better for the tabs to be larger than the rod diameter rather than too tightly fitted.
- 4). Start with one end of the curtain rod in one hand and the right side out, and the end of the tab panel in the other hand. Open up the first tab loop on the curtain panel and thread it onto the rod. Continue opening tab loops and adding tabs onto the rod until the first panel has been threaded onto the rod. Repeat with any additional panels until all panels are on the rod.
- 5). Climb the ladder or stool and attach the rod to the bracket.
- 6). Arrange the tabs in an aesthetically pleasing finished look. Place a tab on each end of the rod and position the remaining tabs at intervals across the top of the curtain. Evenly space the tabs across the rod. Adjust the tabs on the panel to create soft folds.