Do you know what the single biggest reason is for people to choose not to make a work accident compensation claim? In fact the top three reasons given by people include a concern about taking legal action against the same person who pays their salary, potentially storing up problems for future employment, a concern about the hassle and stress of being involved in a court case, and a concern about any financial commitment necessary on the part of the claimant in order to fund the compensation claim.
If you have been injured at work in an accident which was not your fault, and for which ultimately your employer is liable, it is important to make sure you fully understand why these three top reasons are not valid.
First of all, any action that is taken against your employer in terms of a work accident compensation claim is not taken against your employer directly. Every single employer has a legal obligation to make sure that they have liability insurance. This is an insurance policy which protects your employer in the event of a work accident claim.
So if you are involved in an accident and you do decide to claim for compensation that this will not be made against your employer, but against their insurance company. Effectively this means that your employer will not be out of pocket, and therefore has no reason to hold a grudge against you or cause any difficulties in the future.
But quite apart from this, most accident claim solicitors will liaise with your employer in order to ensure that there are no problems as far as future employment is concerned, and should such a problem occur in the future then in any case you will inevitably have a claim for unfair dismissal which would result in another case be opened.
As far as the concern about the hassle and stress of being involved in a court case is concerned, statistically only around 2% of compensation claims ever actually make it as far as court. Even in these cases the claimant is relatively uninvolved in proceedings.
The overwhelming majority of compensation claims are settled out of court, since this is often the cheapest and simplest way of resolving the matter. This means that the process is extremely easy, and following the initial consultation there will be relatively little for the claimant to have to do.
Finally as far as the risk of any financial commitment is concerned, in almost every case where an employee feels that it is necessary to make a work accident compensation claim against their employer, they will be able to make this as a no win no fee claim.
This means that in the event that your claim is successful all costs will be charged to the other side. In the case that you're claim is unsuccessful then your solicitors will charge you nothing. You really don't have anything to lose, and you really don't have any reason to delay contacting a personal injury solicitor based on these popular misunderstandings.
If you have been injured at work in an accident which was not your fault, and for which ultimately your employer is liable, it is important to make sure you fully understand why these three top reasons are not valid.
First of all, any action that is taken against your employer in terms of a work accident compensation claim is not taken against your employer directly. Every single employer has a legal obligation to make sure that they have liability insurance. This is an insurance policy which protects your employer in the event of a work accident claim.
So if you are involved in an accident and you do decide to claim for compensation that this will not be made against your employer, but against their insurance company. Effectively this means that your employer will not be out of pocket, and therefore has no reason to hold a grudge against you or cause any difficulties in the future.
But quite apart from this, most accident claim solicitors will liaise with your employer in order to ensure that there are no problems as far as future employment is concerned, and should such a problem occur in the future then in any case you will inevitably have a claim for unfair dismissal which would result in another case be opened.
As far as the concern about the hassle and stress of being involved in a court case is concerned, statistically only around 2% of compensation claims ever actually make it as far as court. Even in these cases the claimant is relatively uninvolved in proceedings.
The overwhelming majority of compensation claims are settled out of court, since this is often the cheapest and simplest way of resolving the matter. This means that the process is extremely easy, and following the initial consultation there will be relatively little for the claimant to have to do.
Finally as far as the risk of any financial commitment is concerned, in almost every case where an employee feels that it is necessary to make a work accident compensation claim against their employer, they will be able to make this as a no win no fee claim.
This means that in the event that your claim is successful all costs will be charged to the other side. In the case that you're claim is unsuccessful then your solicitors will charge you nothing. You really don't have anything to lose, and you really don't have any reason to delay contacting a personal injury solicitor based on these popular misunderstandings.