Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Automobile Accidents

If you've been injured in an auto accident, you are entitled to cash compensation from the person that caused the accident. You are entitled to money for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, mental anguish, physical impairment, disfigurement, and property damage. Our San Antonio automobile accident lawyers are dedicated to helping people recover the compensation they deserve. Call now to speak to an experienced Texas automobile accident lawyer.

Thousands of auto accidents take place on our nation's roads and highways each day in the U.S. and the consequences of these collisions can be devastating. From minor scrapes to life-threatening trauma or paralysis, injuries resulting from careless or impaired drivers can be emotionally and financially draining. If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, you have the right to be fairly compensated. In order to give yourself the best chance of getting the maximum value on your case, you need a smart and experienced attorney on your side. That's where we come in. We have the knowledge and experience you need. Call us now and show the insurance company that you means business. If you're tired of getting the run-around, call us. We'd love to help you.

Drunk Driving Accidents:

Tragically, there are more intoxicated drivers on American roads at any given minute than ever before, resulting in thousands of unnecessary accidents every day. Alcohol related accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries and fatalities on our nation's roads and highways, killing someone an average of one almost every 30 minutes and injuring a victim nearly every two minutes. When a driver chooses to break the law and operate a vehicle after drinking, they are quite literally choosing to take innocent lives into their own hands - many times with disastrous results.

Some startling drunk driving statistics:

- Of 1,672 motorcyclist fatalities in 2004, 41% had BAC levels of .08 or greater.

- During weekdays in 2004, 30% of all fatal crashes were alcohol-related.

- 51% of all fatal crashes occurred on the weekends in the same time period.

- 80% of alcohol-related fatalities are caused by drinking beer.

- Drunk driving accidents are three times more likely to occur at night.

- Almost 30% of all Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash.

Survivors of drunk driving accidents are left with extensive emotional trauma as well as expensive and sometimes debilitating personal injuries - ranging from minor scratches to complete paralysis. If you have been injured by the negligence of an intoxicated driver, you deserve to be compensated for their dangerous neglect, and in some cases, for the negligence of those who supplied the alcohol itself. You deserve an experienced attorney who can help you recover monetary compensation for your injuries - including pain and suffering, the reparation for any property damage, those mounting medical expenses, loss of time and money from work absence and other accident-related costs. You may even be able to collect for punitive damages and punish the driver for his illegal and destructive behavior.

An accomplished and knowledgeable attorney who is experienced in drunk-driving related compensation suits for your specific needs can be vital in ensuring that you are rewarded for your harrowing experience. Don't miss your opportunity for restitution by allowing the statute of limitations to expire. An experienced San Antonio car accident attorney can help you recover compensation for your injuries €" call now to speak to a San Antonio, Texas car accident lawyer or simply fill out our free case review form above.

Asleep-at-the-Wheel Accidents:

A major life-threatening problem on our nation's roads involves drivers who are fatigued or sleep deprived. Nearly four percent of deadly crashes nationwide involve sleepy or fatigued drivers and hundreds of people are injured every year from drivers who fall asleep at the wheel. Though not intentionally malicious or premeditated, the decision to drive while fatigued - and thus the responsibility for the collision - ultimately belongs to the driver. The victim of the ensuing accident should not have to suffer financially for the negligence of another.

Some startling statistics about sleeping at the wheel:

- 31% of all drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel at least once.

- 100,000 accidents each year are caused by sleeping drivers

- 1,500 people die as a result of falling asleep at the wheel

- These accidents cost the American taxpayer $30 billion each year

- Out of 593 long-distance truck drivers, 47.1% had fallen asleep at the wheel.

- 100 million drive while drowsy each year.

You have the right to be compensated for the injuries sustained during an asleep at the wheel accident - and perhaps even collect for punitive damages as well. It's important that you speak to an experienced San Antonio auto accident attorney as soon as possible to avoid certain statutes of limitations that could end your case before it even begins.

Asleep at the wheel accidents are preventable and perpetrators of such incidents need to take complete responsibility for their mistakes. If you are the victim of driver negligence, you need to contact a qualified and experienced asleep at the wheel San Antonio auto accident attorney or personal injury lawyer immediately so that you can be compensated for your injuries.

High Speed Collisions:

A person is injured in a motor vehicle accident every 10 seconds in the United States and someone is killed every 13 minutes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that speeding alone was a contributing factor in almost 30% of all fatal crashes last year. For the innocent survivors of such harrowing accidents, the recovery process - both emotional and physical - can be horribly painful and exorbitantly expensive.

High speed collisions facts:

- High speed plays a role in almost 30% of all fatal collisions that occur each year

- In 2002, 13,713 people died in speeding-related deaths.

- 41% of drivers of involved in speeding accidents had a BAC over .08.

- Saturdays are the most likely days to have a high-speed collision.

- 40% of all high-speed collisions occur at curves.

As a victim of a high speed collision, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries that you incurred because of the other driver's negligence. You should communicate with a qualified and experienced San Antonio auto accident attorney or personal injury lawyer as soon as possible so that you can be compensated for your emotional and physical distress.

Highway Accidents:

As the population explodes and the number of both commercial and recreational vehicles on America's roads and highways increases - combined with an exponential increase in interstate travel - accidents between automobiles and trucks on our highways and freeways are rising exponentially.

Each year there are more than 42,000 American deaths and almost two million injuries sustained in automobile accidents. Collisions taking place on highways and interstates can be especially catastrophic, and with high driving speeds and increased congestion, these numbers are rising each year. If you have been the victim of a highway or freeway accident, you should contact an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you are compensated for your injuries.

An experienced San Antonio car accident attorney can help you recover compensation for your injuries €" call now to speak to a San Antonio, Texas car accident lawyer or simply fill out our free case review form above.

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