Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

A Better Understanding of Wrongful Death Cases in Utah

Wrongful deaths are one of the most common cases entertained in federal courts. If you are involved in such case, you must be thinking about legal actions. Below are some of the things you need to understand about wrongful death cases in Utah.

The Purpose of Filing Wrongful Death Case

A case must be filed not just to punish the accused, but also to help survivors gain closure. The death of a loved one due to other people's negligence can be very hard to accept, unless the case is resolved. People who plan to file a wrongful death case should remember that the case should be taken as a means to move forward, not as a form of revenge.

Who Can Make a Wrongful Death Claim?

Most people think that anyone related to the deceased can file for a wrongful death case. Actually, only the members of the immediate family of the deceased are eligible to file a case. In some cases, the dependents of the deceased, who are not part of the immediate family, may have the right to file a case.

When to File for Wrongful Death Case?

A wrongful death lawyer Salt Lake City has won't recommend you to file a case "whenever you're ready" because there is a statute of limitations—the certain period which allows the dependents to file a case—that needs to be followed. You can choose to postpone filing a case until you recover from mourning, but make sure it won't exceed the statute of limitations. In Utah, the statute of limitations for wrongful death cases is two years from the date of death. 

The Need for Wrongful Death Attorney

It is necessary to seek for a lawyer's help when dealing with a wrongful death case. A Utah wrongful death lawyer has to offer will help you in taking steps to preserve evidences, find witnesses, and determine the right amount of settlement. Dependents will benefit from the case if they will hire an experienced counsel.

Wrongful Death Cases as Civil Trials

Iniquitous as it seems, a wrongful death case is often brought as a civil trial instead of a criminal proceeding. The accusing party's responsibility to prove guilt in a civil case is different from that of a criminal case. According to a wrongful death lawyer Utah has to offer, criminal cases brought to the court in the name of the state involve proving the accused guilty "beyond reasonable doubt", while civil cases brought to the court in the name of the accusing party require proving the accused guilty through "preponderance of evidence" by 51%.  
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