Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Why Can Women Drivers Often Get Cheaper Car Insurance?

Insurance is one of the highest costs of running a car, in most cases far outstripping the costs of fuel, taxes, and maintenance.
This is especially true for younger and more inexperienced drivers, who can easily find that their annual premiums add up to the actual value of their car, even for a basic policy.
If you're a female driver, however, you might be able to take advantage of a special kind of policy which boasts lower premiums: women driver car insurance.
Why is this? Well, insurance is all about risk.
The insurance company works out how much the average customer is going to cost them in claims over the life of the policy, and sets the premiums high enough to cover this average amount and make a profit.
To do this they need to find out which type of customers are likely to cost the most, and which ones represent the lowest risk.
As you'd probably expect, young male drivers are the most likely to be involved in accidents, and so their premiums are often sky-high.
Women are statistically less likely to be involved in serious accidents, and so their claims will not cost as much to pay.
In the past, drivers with lower risk profiles such as women were used to subsidise the premiums of higher risk drivers, but in the past few years policies aimed purely at women have come about, offering lower premiums as this subsidisation isn't necessary.
The amount you can save will vary according to the type and value of your car, along with the other usual factors such as annual mileage, but if you're a female driver it could pay to check out one of the numerous specialist female insurers to see how much you could knock off your insurance costs.
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