Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

DWI Charges and Auto Insurance

Most people understand that DWI convictions can have a serious effect on a person's criminal record and may carry heavy fines, probation, and community service.
Persons who have been found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol may discover that the charge will stay on their permanent record and will have long-term effects on their lives.
The decision to drive while intoxicated can have a severe effect on a person's auto insurance policy, making it a very costly mistake to make.
In some cases, the insurer may choose to drop the person's coverage completely and may decide to cancel the policy because of the DUI conviction.
In other instances, policyholders discover that their insurer did not drop their coverage, but decided to raise the rates dramatically.
If you have a DWI or a DUI on your driving record, your insurance provider may decide that you are a high-risk driver, thus requiring extremely high premiums to insure.
This can put serious strain on your finances, and may be unavoidable if you need your vehicle to get to work, school, and social events.
In some states, persons who have been convicted of driving under the influence may be required to establish SR-22 insurance coverage, which is specifically designed for higher-risk drivers.
SR-22 coverage may be required by some states in order to prove insurance coverage for high-risk drivers.
In some cases, the driver must show proof of SR-22 coverage before the state will allow his or her license to be reinstated.
Obtaining an SR-22 policy may require extra effort on the part of the individual wishing to establish coverage and may be very expensive to obtain.
Ultimately, most people discover that the risks of drinking and driving just are not worth the consequences that come with the action.
Persons may be seriously injured or killed in an accident involving a drunk driver, and serious property damage may also result.
If you are arrested under suspicion of DWI, you may be forced to spend time in jail, pay heavy fines, and live with the financial burdens that often accompany such charges.
Fortunately, there are insurance companies that carry coverage for individuals who have been convicted of DWI or DUI.
There are carriers who understand the process of regaining your driving privileges and work hard to get you the coverage you need at a reasonable price.
If you would like more information about SR-22 coverage in the Chicago area, visit the website of the Chicago insurance agents of Insure on the Spot.
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