Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Should You Hire A Lawyer After an Accident?

Car accidents are traumatic but those who have been injured physically, financially, or both say that what happens afterward can be more traumatic than the accident itself.
In the early days of the insurance industry they paid out benefits when there was an accident with few questions asked.
But as insurance companies have become multi-billion dollar investment firms, making a claim is more like trying to cross a mine field.
You may become a victim all over again without legal help.
Insurance companies use all kinds of strategies to deny claims or to reduce the awards that victims deserve.
One of the first things they will do is to ask you to make an audio-taped or videotaped statement, "just to make all the facts clear and escalate the settlement process".
If you've retained a auto accident attorney, he or she can advise you how damaging this action can be to any settlement you may be entitled to receive.
For instance, they'll ask you to recount your day leading up to the accident and use that information to try to prove that you were distracted.
They will try to assign blame to you, reducing your award.
An attorney can save you from making such a mistake.
Attorneys know all the tricks that insurance companies use to reduce or deny claims.
Some insurers even go so far as to ask why you were on the road in the first place-that if you hadn't made an unnecessary trip you would not have been injured.
Outrageous as that argument is, it has actually been used in court.
Another situation that is difficult to handle by yourself is the delaying tactics that insurance companies will undertake.
It's almost like a siege with you as the prisoner.
The insurance company will keep filing motions for more information and more documentation while you may be unable to work because of your injuries.
Eventually you'll get poor enough and desperate enough to settle for far less than you deserve.
An auto accident attorney knows how to cut short these tactics and keep the lawsuit moving in a positive direction.
You won't have to bother with court costs, filing fees, court appearances for minor issues, or exchanging information when you retain an auto accident attorney.
Since most attorneys work on a contingency basis and earn 33% of your settlement, they cover all upfront expenses so you don't have to worry about the expense of your lawsuit.
And since your attorney's fee depends on how much your award is, you can rest assured that he or she will do their best to get you the maximum settlement attainable.
Many people have settled for what they thought was fair compensation only to suffer serious physical limitations years later that were directly related to the injuries they received in their accident.
You can rest assured that your attorney will do everything humanly possible to compensate you for future problems that may develop as well as the immediate injuries you suffered.
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