Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Talk to Women Anytime

Sometimes guys have this weird problem of not knowing how to talk to women.
Guys get visibly nervous and don't know what to say and boy does it make me cringe when I see a guy fumbling his words just because he is speaking with a woman.
But it is nothing to be ashamed of, well sorta at least; at a certain age fellas shouldn't have that problem anymore.
It is like the kid who learns to ride a bike; falling down should be conquered after about the age of 5 (depending on when you began to learn).
But if you are still riding wobbly at age 15 when you began at age 5 to ride; that's just plain silly.
Same thing when you are talking to women; it's just silly to be having these problems when there is so much help out there to help you along the way.
When you look at it; she is probably just as nervous as you are; so you should get cool and speak.
But I will outline the big secret in how to talk to women anytime.
There are two parts to this secret; the first is not to care too much.
Most guys look at each woman who smiles at them as the woman of their dreams who was meant for them.
So right away you care very deeply and this will mess you up thoroughly.
Imagine this, have you ever watched a sporting event and did not care about the teams playing.
No matter who won or loss, it didn't mean much to you because you were watching just to pass time.
Now think back to when you watched your favorite team playing; your hearts into it, your buddies can't make too much noise, not even during the commercials, and you're really pumping with fear and excitement about the outcome of the game.
This is the same emotion you're using when you speak to woman that you care about the outcome with much intensity.
So you are at the mercy of the woman, mercy of your emotions, and mercy of the situation.
Stop caring if you get her contact info, just be.
The second way to learn how to talk to women anytime is to say whatever comes to your mind.
This may get you slapped a few times if you aren't quick...
just kidding.
I don't mean for you to be a real jerk, but that's the best way to get a woman's attention is to speak freely.
Even if you offend her and you can see she was offended, go 'English' on her and ask, "did I offend thee?" And if she says yes or no, just say "please accept my apology...
I didn't know you had thin skin.
" But you know what I mean here.
There are times when you're thinking in your head, you want to tell her that her lipstick looks great or she has nice shoes; just say it, it will keep the conversation going.
So don't care to hard and say what you're thinking; these are the best ways and learn how to talk to women anytime.
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