Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

The Ultimate Tips to Attract Women

All men ask for dating pointers at one time or another.
Many think many things and the more common thoughts of why they are not getting dates are these.
I'm not good looking, I'm too fat, I don't know how to match clothes, I have no social life.
There are plenty more reasons but this is the short list.
Stop thinking and start doing, forget why you aren't having success.
The world as you know it is about to change.
Stop all the worrying; you're a man, start acting like one.
You know what you want, so go get it.
Block all thoughts out and focus on the mission.
Some guys keep thinking about the situation and talk themselves out of doing it.
If you want to date a beautiful girl, think of the positive thoughts and of dating her.
Throughout history men have always had a problems saying I' sorry.
It's like having diarrhea of the mouth, I'm sorry seems to be said all the time, apologizing constantly.
There is nothing to apologize for so stop it.
Unless you punch someone or hit their car, then there is something to be sorry for.
Women are not into men that are pathetic, if you are sorry all the time this is how they view you.
The attractive power of the man disappears.
Men need to be confident and strong.
When forcing the process of finding a woman, the process seems that much harder.
When you don't care about finding a woman or looking for one it seems women start popping up everywhere.
Relax, take it easy, don't go crazy, but still look.
Have fun doing it and don't look desperate.
Believe and visualize you can get a woman any time you want.
Harness your inner strength; remember you control the situation with women not the other way around.
When approaching the next woman, be a little standoffish, let them come to you.
It's a very fine line but women can sense this and the interest will be peaked and the man starts to look sexier.
This is the power of man.
Finding women is an entirely different story.
Many men are still doing the same old thing, going to bar, clubs or just sitting home hoping.
Men have had great success with online dating.
This doesn't mean you run out join them.
First research and choose the one that you feel is right for you.
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