Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How A Woman Can Stroke A Man"s Ego

A man likes for a woman to make her feel good and that
includes stroking his ego.

Compliment him. Tell him how good he looks in certain
clothing that he wears. She should let him know that
she likes his cologne; or tell him that he has a great
body. He wants to feel desired and accepted. A woman's
compliment should be honest and something that he will
treasure. This will help him with his confidence.

A woman can surprise a man with a gift. It doesn't
have to be for a certain occasion, but it can be
something to let him know that she appreciates him.
He gets appreciative with surprises from his other half.

Make him his favorite dinner. It can be enhanced by
making it romantic with candles. Having a private dinner
with a man will make him feel special. He will realize
how much she cares for him. This can be a good ego-booster.

After a hard and difficult day at work, a man wants to
come home to rest and relaxation. A woman can make him
feel special by massaging his back and feet. This can
relieve any tension that he is experiencing. It helps
him to feel special and removes him from the cares on
the job.

A woman should spend quality time with him. Go out on
a date and enjoy his company. Go out to dinner together.
Spend time at the beach or the park. Learn to enjoy each
other's company. He will like spending time being with
someone he loves to be with.

A woman can stroke a man's ego by joking with him. Let
him know that he has a sense of humor. Laugh at his
jokes, but don't overdo it. She does not have to laugh
at everything he says or does. She needs to tell him
that he is amusing and that he is a lot of fun. He will
keep trying to make her feel jolly.

A woman should give a man her support if he wants to try
something new (as long as it's within reason or legal).
If he wants to start a business or a hobby, she should
provide her encouragement. Supporting a man in that sense
can definitely boost his ego. It will want to make him
get excited about doing it.

A woman should take caution with stroking a man's ego.
He should not start thinking that he is better than
anyone else. She should work on just making him feel
good so that the relationship will continue to thrive.
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