Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Tips for Meeting Single Asian Women

Since I was no more than 14 years old, I've felt a strange attraction to Asian women that surpasses how I feel about most other women - blond, brunette, blue eyed; it didn't matter.
I was solely attracted to Asian women.
For a long time, I was embarrassed by my attraction.
I felt like I was stereotyping or being racist somehow and hid what I felt from the people I knew.
Not only that, but the single Asian women I've known in my lifetime are not always very approachable.
I feel like I'm stepping into a very awkward situation that could easily result in my making a fool of myself.
With so many beautiful Asian women out there, why wouldn't I just jump in and see what came of my attraction; the simple answer is that I was scared.
So, life went on; I spent a great deal of time thinking about what would go wrong and never really thought about what could go right.
Finally, after more than a decade of awkwardness, I learned that single Asian women are no different than any other women on the planet and that by putting them on a pedestal, I was doing the exact thing I was afraid of.
So, I stepped back and thought about my situation.
I told myself I needed to rethink my approach and be more careful about how I discussed these matters with myself.
I started observing and listening, paying attention to how they interacted and what they expected out of a man.
I was shocked to find out that single Asian women are almost no different at all from any other women and yet at the same time, there are enough subtle differences that I would surely have made a mistake if I had attempted to date one with that attitude.
That's when I sprang into action.
I started to talk to Asian women and learn what I could about them.
I learned how single Asian women view men that approach them and what they expect that I might not have been used to.
I learned that they had very close ties with their families and that I needed to be careful if I was going to try and work my into their good graces.
I learned that every ethnicity is different in its own special ways and that you must respect and pay attention to those differences while not singling them out.
It took me time and a bit of discomfort, but finally I felt that I understood everything I needed to approach and meet single Asian women.
It was a revelation and one that I've never regretted seeking out.
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