This article is going to start out with a seemingly silly question: In every version of the holy books, even the "unofficial versions" with added scriptures, who wins at the end of those books and bibles? Yes, if I am going to write an article like this, this question had to be asked in some form however silly seeming, rhetorical and obviously relativistic.
So, I will answer in a seemingly logical, yet "deadpan" way: Whatever Satan may say during the game about winning, God wins every game and rules the game and what comes after it.
It is sort of like how every great empire from Atlantis, Lemuria, Kush, Greece and Rome on had legalized homosexual marriage quite stereotypically and then had its standard historically stereotyped "fall".
Sure, I could say something less "loaded", but I mean this article quite relativistically and somewhat metaphorically.
God wins in every holy book if the holy book is taken literally.
If taken as a metaphor, Good and God still wins, and Evil and Devil loses as always.
After all, no matter how you put it, there is a up side and down side to everything under the gravity and motion laws, right? Listen, this article has more silly questions than good answers, because I am looking at every angle, realistic and unrealistic, rhetorical, metaphorical, and concrete.
I am asking that dreaded question especially when asked in an honest way: Why? From a cloudy heaven in the sky to the lake of fire below the ground, you have to wonder what it all comes down to seriously and wonder without childish pretensions that assume it is all in "black, white, blame, and fault" like that.
Not that I am not a genuine theist, I do believe in God and Devil genuinely but, when considering what is being pushed as reality, at times, I have more questions than answers and as crazy as it can get, I have more rhetorical assumptions than realistic understanding.
"Butcher paper answers" or "make up your own mind on it" seems to sometimes be the order of the day.
Real answers come from finding out for yourself in an empirical way, even if some others do not like that.
But then again, we found out through inventing the plane and the light bulb in hard ways that humanity is supposed to see in the dark and fly through the air that humanity can go where they want to go if they create the logical and realistic means to do it.
So, I end by quoting and paraphrasing Friedrich Nietzsche:
So, I will answer in a seemingly logical, yet "deadpan" way: Whatever Satan may say during the game about winning, God wins every game and rules the game and what comes after it.
It is sort of like how every great empire from Atlantis, Lemuria, Kush, Greece and Rome on had legalized homosexual marriage quite stereotypically and then had its standard historically stereotyped "fall".
Sure, I could say something less "loaded", but I mean this article quite relativistically and somewhat metaphorically.
God wins in every holy book if the holy book is taken literally.
If taken as a metaphor, Good and God still wins, and Evil and Devil loses as always.
After all, no matter how you put it, there is a up side and down side to everything under the gravity and motion laws, right? Listen, this article has more silly questions than good answers, because I am looking at every angle, realistic and unrealistic, rhetorical, metaphorical, and concrete.
I am asking that dreaded question especially when asked in an honest way: Why? From a cloudy heaven in the sky to the lake of fire below the ground, you have to wonder what it all comes down to seriously and wonder without childish pretensions that assume it is all in "black, white, blame, and fault" like that.
Not that I am not a genuine theist, I do believe in God and Devil genuinely but, when considering what is being pushed as reality, at times, I have more questions than answers and as crazy as it can get, I have more rhetorical assumptions than realistic understanding.
"Butcher paper answers" or "make up your own mind on it" seems to sometimes be the order of the day.
Real answers come from finding out for yourself in an empirical way, even if some others do not like that.
But then again, we found out through inventing the plane and the light bulb in hard ways that humanity is supposed to see in the dark and fly through the air that humanity can go where they want to go if they create the logical and realistic means to do it.
So, I end by quoting and paraphrasing Friedrich Nietzsche:
"All humanity needs is a strong enough why, and the how will take care of itself in good order.