"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars" -- Jack Kerouac The secret ingredient to success in anything we do is to find the passion in it.
The kind of passion that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning because you can't wait to begin your day.
Many of us have lost touch with that kind of passion in our lives.
We have settled along the way for just getting by, surviving, making do with what we have, not expecting too much, just in case we're disappointed.
Some of us have completely given up on our dreams.
In fact, we don't even remember what those dreams were, feeling they were just too out of reach, not worth the effort that we think is necessary to make them come true.
And, as a result, we have lost our passion for life, our reason for living in the first place.
We have settled for mediocrity and sold our souls in the process.
May just reading the following piece about Passion stir up your soul today, and ignite the fire within you.
That fire may have dimmed, but the light hasn't gone out.
As long as you are alive and breathing, it never will.
It is waiting there where you last left it.
Can you remember where that was? Passion The difference between a job and a career.
The difference between an actor and a star.
The difference between a song and a symphony.
The difference between a painting and a work of art.
The difference between caring and intimacy.
The difference between romance and rapture.
The difference between intelligence and genius.
The difference between living and being alive.
Passion Wanting to jump out of bed in the morning.
Wanting the night to never end.
Wanting the moonlight to last forever.
Wanting to reach and touch the sky.
Wanting forever to be longer.
Passion When everything tastes like Champagne.
When everything smells like Freesia.
When everything looks like Christmas.
When everything sounds like Mozart.
When everything feels like Velvet.
Passion When heaven is not a place to go to, but a place to be.
When success is not a thing, but a feeling.
When love is not an offer, but an acceptance.
When music is not a sound, but a resonance.
When life is not an existence, but a celebration.
The kind of passion that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning because you can't wait to begin your day.
Many of us have lost touch with that kind of passion in our lives.
We have settled along the way for just getting by, surviving, making do with what we have, not expecting too much, just in case we're disappointed.
Some of us have completely given up on our dreams.
In fact, we don't even remember what those dreams were, feeling they were just too out of reach, not worth the effort that we think is necessary to make them come true.
And, as a result, we have lost our passion for life, our reason for living in the first place.
We have settled for mediocrity and sold our souls in the process.
May just reading the following piece about Passion stir up your soul today, and ignite the fire within you.
That fire may have dimmed, but the light hasn't gone out.
As long as you are alive and breathing, it never will.
It is waiting there where you last left it.
Can you remember where that was? Passion The difference between a job and a career.
The difference between an actor and a star.
The difference between a song and a symphony.
The difference between a painting and a work of art.
The difference between caring and intimacy.
The difference between romance and rapture.
The difference between intelligence and genius.
The difference between living and being alive.
Passion Wanting to jump out of bed in the morning.
Wanting the night to never end.
Wanting the moonlight to last forever.
Wanting to reach and touch the sky.
Wanting forever to be longer.
Passion When everything tastes like Champagne.
When everything smells like Freesia.
When everything looks like Christmas.
When everything sounds like Mozart.
When everything feels like Velvet.
Passion When heaven is not a place to go to, but a place to be.
When success is not a thing, but a feeling.
When love is not an offer, but an acceptance.
When music is not a sound, but a resonance.
When life is not an existence, but a celebration.