Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Do Not Let Your Age Stand in Your Way

I do not know how many of you are "Rocky" fans.
I am and I had the occasion to watch "Rocky Balboa" recently.
That was the movie where he fought Mason Dixon.
Rocky was well past his prime, was very comfortable and owned a restaurant.
Rocky was presented with the opportunity of fighting the new heavyweight champ Mason Dixon.
This fight was supposed to be no more than an exhibition fight, but if you are fans of "Rocky" movies you know how that winds up.
It becomes an all-out battle.
Rocky, even at the age that he was, knew that with the right mindset and training, he would be able to succeed and win the fight.
Rocky trained as he always did and gave it 100 percent.
The champ did not take this fight as though he could loose to this "has been" and did not train the way he should have.
Mason Dixon did not give it 100%.
The outcome is always very predictable; Rocky punishes the younger fighter.
Why? Because the younger fighter was not prepared.
Baby boomers or not, if you are not prepared for the 21st century, you could loose the fight.
In this time of depending on the internet to do almost everything, you could be to the one who has not trained hard enough.
My wife Roz and I were not far from losing that fight because all we new about computers was to email and search the web.
The business that I was in for the last 20 years did not require any more experience on computers than email.
Two years ago when the economy tanked, my income dropped about 75%, and I knew I had to do something else.
We learned a completely new way of doing things, and we have gotten a new education relating to the computer.
Think like Rocky.
Age has no bearing on what you can accomplish in the 21st century.
There a numerous ways to continue to grow and be successful in your later years.
Business is ageless.
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