Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How Changing Your Job Can Change Your Life

A couple of years ago, my daughter started a new venture with a well known direct marketing company.
It did not work out the way she thought, so gave it up.
Her manager asked if I would like to continue in her place, but I also was not interested in the way this particular company worked.
I said no thank you, but a small seed was planted in my brain.
A couple of months later, I saw a commercial on T.
for another direct sales company, talking about becoming a representative and all the benefits that go with it.
I thought, why not, it's just a phone call.
So, I made the call, and was contacted a short time later.
I met with the sales manager for the district, she gave me her spiel, but I'm by nature a very skeptical person, so it was hard to convince me that things would go the way she said they could.
It was a hard sell for her, but as it was only $10 to sign up, I thought, ok, I'll give this a try.
I left our meeting with an armful of brochures and started to tell family and friends about my new venture.
Of course, they were all supportive and placed small orders.
I am not the most outgoing of people when in new and strange situations, so approaching people face to face to try to sell them something was difficult for me.
So, at first, I took the safe approach and left books in mailboxes.
I did get some phone calls and new customers, so that was definitely encouraging and exciting.
I decided to place some ads in the local newspapers, I did flyer campaigns using Canada Post to distribute the flyers, and slowly but surely, new customers were coming in.
I started to approach store owners that I knew and asked if I could leave some brochures in their establishment, and even this was hard for me to do, but I forced myself to go forth, and most of them said sure! Well, that boosted my confidence a little.
Within 8 months, I reached a certain level of sales that would ensure I would get a certain discount on my purchases, thereby enabling me to make more money! This was a real achievement, and this was when it finally started to sink in that I was good at this! At this point in time,which is about a year and a half later, I will once again reach a certain level of sales, but in a shorter period of time, and my next goal is to go even higher and reach the next highest level of sales, giving me a larger discount.
I am confident that I will do this.
The message that I'd like to bring to you is this...
no matter your age, or your circumstance, if there is something you want to achieve, YOU CAN!I was 51 and working at a job that I was tiring of, and it was scary to make this change.
But I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason, and things will work out the way they are supposed to.
Have faith in yourself, be confident in what you're doing, be proud of what you're doing, and all that will shine through, and YOU WILL SUCCEED!I am not at the point where I'm making the same amount of money as I was in my previous job, but I know that I will get there, and maybe make even more money.
Going out on this venture has given me more self-confidence, and when you have that, you can do anything!
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