Law of attraction works when you do 3 simple things: Identify your desire; Give your Desire attention, energy, focus and allowing it to happen The hardest part is the last step: Allowing it to happen.
Allowing mean removing any doubt (I know it is hard to do).
If you have any doubt, which translate into a negative vibration, it will cancel the positive vibration you are sending for your desire request and nothing will manifest.
A great way to remove doubt is to keep evidence of the positive things that are happening in general and in relation to your desire.
Here are 4 ways to remove the doubt and maintain a positive vibration around your desire and assist you in the allowing process.
1-GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Get a journal (dollar store is fine) and spend 10 minutes a day collecting evidence of what you attracted.
It can be as simple as a parking spot, a free coffee, rebate at the grocery, etc.
2-EVIDENCE EMAIL: First thing in the morning email yourself or a supportive friend a short bullet points of what you are grateful for (husband doing dishes) , your evidence of abundance (free XM radio for 1 month), your intentions for the day (attract creativity).
3-CELEBRATE A CLOSE MATCH: What you manifested to date is a close match of your desire (my blind date had 3 out of 10 things I want in a partner).
Celebrate the match only.
You can talk or email about it, the important thing is you mention it often and feel the good vibration of the closeness of your match.
4-RESEARCH WHAT YOU WANT TO ATTRACT: You feel it is impossible to celebrate at this time, then research what you want to manifest.
If you are looking to attract an ideal vacation, spend time researching hotels, activities and different destination.
This will put you in the positive vibration of your ideal vacation.
Those 4 simple steps work because at that time you give it positive attention, energy and focus to what you want and your vibration is positive.
Allowing mean removing any doubt (I know it is hard to do).
If you have any doubt, which translate into a negative vibration, it will cancel the positive vibration you are sending for your desire request and nothing will manifest.
A great way to remove doubt is to keep evidence of the positive things that are happening in general and in relation to your desire.
Here are 4 ways to remove the doubt and maintain a positive vibration around your desire and assist you in the allowing process.
1-GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Get a journal (dollar store is fine) and spend 10 minutes a day collecting evidence of what you attracted.
It can be as simple as a parking spot, a free coffee, rebate at the grocery, etc.
2-EVIDENCE EMAIL: First thing in the morning email yourself or a supportive friend a short bullet points of what you are grateful for (husband doing dishes) , your evidence of abundance (free XM radio for 1 month), your intentions for the day (attract creativity).
3-CELEBRATE A CLOSE MATCH: What you manifested to date is a close match of your desire (my blind date had 3 out of 10 things I want in a partner).
Celebrate the match only.
You can talk or email about it, the important thing is you mention it often and feel the good vibration of the closeness of your match.
4-RESEARCH WHAT YOU WANT TO ATTRACT: You feel it is impossible to celebrate at this time, then research what you want to manifest.
If you are looking to attract an ideal vacation, spend time researching hotels, activities and different destination.
This will put you in the positive vibration of your ideal vacation.
Those 4 simple steps work because at that time you give it positive attention, energy and focus to what you want and your vibration is positive.