Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Short Sleeves Insights - I Believe, That You Believe In Your Truth

"As the crust of the outer nature cracks, as the walls of inner separation break down, the inner light gets through, the inner fire burns in the heart, the substance of the nature and the stuff of consciousness refine to a greater subtlety and purity, and deeper physic experiences become possible...
The soul begins to unveil itself and mainfest itself as the central being which upholds mind and life and body.
" Sri Aurobindo was born in 1872 in India.
He was many things before he died in Decenber of 1950.
His Yoga teachings are practiced around the globe today and it's interesting to note that he developed his spiritual path while being incarcerated for a year in a jail, in Bengal.
Through meditation, Aurobindo connected to the web of consciousness that is part of each and every one of us.
His awakening came through his thoughts of Hindu teachings and the works of the Indian philosopher, Swami Vivekananda.
He wanted to crack his outer shell and reconnect to his inner fire.
The fire that is the substance for nature, the universe, and all life.
It may not be the path I choose to find my fire, but I can find it just as Aurobindo did, by looking within myself.
As I study different cultures and beliefs the one point that is prominent in all of them is the feeling of association with a higher consciousness.
Each group looks for this source in different ways and uses different thoughts to make their connection with this Source or God.
I can say that in the beliefs they pursue, they will find what they are looking for.
It is in all things, in fact, it is all things.
There is no wrong way to believe, if you are seeking your truth.
It can be found in church, synagogue, meditation, trance, nature, or by simply feeling it.
It is everywhere and in everything, waiting to be rediscovered by whatever means I want to use.
My thoughts, which become my beliefs, will lead me to the union of my spirit and my God.
There is no wrong path, each of us believes differently and that belief is an individual right and freedom.
I need no laws to find my truth.
I need freedom, awareness, connection and contrast to be who I am.
I live in unity with all life.
I respect the beliefs of all life.
I create my world through my thoughts and beliefs.
I am what you are.
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