How do you prepare for a coming calamity of worldwide collapse of the world economy? Is it planned? Why do the banks want to bring about a collapse? Is there an agenda that the banking system is working towards? Is this leading to a One World Government and a One World Money System? Will it involve the marking of the forehead and hand? Will this lead to the Mark of the Beast as foretold in the Book of Revelation? Yes! We are on the brink of a Worldwide monetary collapse and you had better be ready for it.
This monetary collapse is real and has been in the makings and plans of the One World Government financiers for at least 80 years, but was foretold in Bible prophecy over 2,000 years ago.
It is vital that people all over the world learn about this system that our ministry has records of such financiers admitting that their role in business is simply to bring down the current world economy so that a single currency system ie: the implanting of a micro chip into the hand and forehead can be introduced.
That is the reason why we have had a few economic crashes.
They have been test trials and although they have caused grief to millions in the world, many losing their homes, these world government bankers are not the slightest bit interested in your welfare or your health.
They are working to an agenda that does not stop for you.
The wheels are grinding forward to remove your freedom and financial control.
You are being primed now.
Consider the advertisements on television where you see a line of people all paying for their lunch using a swipe card.
This card is automatically picked up by the scanner and no cash nor inserting into a machine is needed! Pretty soon, within a few years if not sooner, you will be asked to have a micro chip inserted into your hand or into your forehead and voila! you won't need to reach into your pocket to get out your card.
Just pop your head infront of the screen.
Remember, at first you will be asked nicely!! Then later if you still refuse, it will be forced onto you.
If you take this 'mark' or charagma - Greek word for incised into the skin, you will develop sores in your skin due to the radiation exposure.
If you want to read more of this, look up Revelation 13 where it speaks about this 'mark'.
It will be introduced before the Anti-Christ so that everyone can buy and sell with it.
It will also mean that you will be worshiping the Anti-Christ because the Mark is also called the Mark of the Beast.
It will be so subtlety offered in the beginning and most people will think that it is a great idea, less handling of cash and instant payments as you walk out of a shop.
But it comes with a dire warning.
All who take it will lose their salvation or never be able to receive salvation because it is connected to the Beast and Anti-Christ and the New World Religion which will also be set up at the same time.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell save he had the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding, count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, three score and six.
" Rev 13:16-18.
How do we prepare? GET OUT OF DEBT NOW.
Do everything in your power to get rid of your credit cards, mortgages etc.
and learn to live frugally.
Prepare fruit trees on your property and grow chickens for their eggs and set up fish tanks for trout, fresh water crayfish etc.
You have time to prepare now.
If you have a gun you can shoot for live meat, but I think that we need to learn to live well on fish, eggs and fresh fruit and vegetables.
If you leave it too late, you won't have that time to prepare when it is imposed on to you and your family.
This monetary collapse is real and has been in the makings and plans of the One World Government financiers for at least 80 years, but was foretold in Bible prophecy over 2,000 years ago.
It is vital that people all over the world learn about this system that our ministry has records of such financiers admitting that their role in business is simply to bring down the current world economy so that a single currency system ie: the implanting of a micro chip into the hand and forehead can be introduced.
That is the reason why we have had a few economic crashes.
They have been test trials and although they have caused grief to millions in the world, many losing their homes, these world government bankers are not the slightest bit interested in your welfare or your health.
They are working to an agenda that does not stop for you.
The wheels are grinding forward to remove your freedom and financial control.
You are being primed now.
Consider the advertisements on television where you see a line of people all paying for their lunch using a swipe card.
This card is automatically picked up by the scanner and no cash nor inserting into a machine is needed! Pretty soon, within a few years if not sooner, you will be asked to have a micro chip inserted into your hand or into your forehead and voila! you won't need to reach into your pocket to get out your card.
Just pop your head infront of the screen.
Remember, at first you will be asked nicely!! Then later if you still refuse, it will be forced onto you.
If you take this 'mark' or charagma - Greek word for incised into the skin, you will develop sores in your skin due to the radiation exposure.
If you want to read more of this, look up Revelation 13 where it speaks about this 'mark'.
It will be introduced before the Anti-Christ so that everyone can buy and sell with it.
It will also mean that you will be worshiping the Anti-Christ because the Mark is also called the Mark of the Beast.
It will be so subtlety offered in the beginning and most people will think that it is a great idea, less handling of cash and instant payments as you walk out of a shop.
But it comes with a dire warning.
All who take it will lose their salvation or never be able to receive salvation because it is connected to the Beast and Anti-Christ and the New World Religion which will also be set up at the same time.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, that no man might buy or sell save he had the mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding, count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred, three score and six.
" Rev 13:16-18.
How do we prepare? GET OUT OF DEBT NOW.
Do everything in your power to get rid of your credit cards, mortgages etc.
and learn to live frugally.
Prepare fruit trees on your property and grow chickens for their eggs and set up fish tanks for trout, fresh water crayfish etc.
You have time to prepare now.
If you have a gun you can shoot for live meat, but I think that we need to learn to live well on fish, eggs and fresh fruit and vegetables.
If you leave it too late, you won't have that time to prepare when it is imposed on to you and your family.