Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The foundation of financial success is in our mind, not our budget.

Financial success is not founded in a budget but in our mind. To be successful, we must shift our paradigm about money to properly manage it. This includes having a positive impression about money and therefore attracting it. It also includes feeling comfortable having money. If we don't feel comfortable with money it becomes water in our hands, easily lost. To have a greater chance of financial success in life, we need to embrace the positive opinions we have about money but also recognize the negative opinions we have fostered and change them.

Let's think about this in another way. Perhaps you hate your boss. You feel that all he does is sit in his big office designing his upcoming vacation while you are doing all the work. This bitterness will be reflected in your interaction with him as well as with other people. The likelihood of your being recognized for your accomplishments declines with each passing day. You then begin to strive more for recognition by working harder and more independently. Slowly you withdraw and are no longer considered a "team player". A pernicious cycle has developed which becomes harder to break. An easy and common path to follow to which the root is resentment; fostered by any one of a million reasons, the resentment of the thing that you ultimately desire (to be the boss) has caused you to lose any chance of obtaining it.

Think about your situation in life and ask yourself if you are sabotaging yourself. Don't think your job is a dead end with no prospects, don't perpetually persist at your job hoping and searching for something better. The very act of doing this has tainted your prospects there and anywhere else. It is your perception that has hindered you. Make the most of every day, and set yourself a standard of the highest work ethic. Your current job may not be what you desire but by changing your mentality, that situation will change, both in your mind and physically.

If we now go back to the analogy of before, what would you do if you became the boss? Answer. It depends. If you have not changed your paradigm, you will be fighting the deep held opinion that as the boss you are not earning your pay. This is the opinion you had about your own boss and you will have it about yourself. This can be quickly remedied by realizing how much the boss really does, or it will eventually break down your self worth, leading to greater problems. Fortunately, most people who get a promotion will quickly realize that the higher your pay, the greater the expectations. An employee is always paid in concert with their value to the company. If it were not so, the company would not be in business. We must learn to always be positive, seek out our goals, and be grateful when we achieve them.

In summary, a good financial paradigm starts with your understanding that you must have a positive attitude about money, yourself, and your potential. You need to accept that you have earned the money you have and that having it is a good thing. You must also believe in yourself and have a firm conviction that you can accomplish anything. Then you must go out and work for it.

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