Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Can We Outsmart Our Genes?

Our genes account for the biological and neurological (i.
genotypic) predispositions that we have inherited from our family ancestors.
Think of genes as the seeds that you were handed at birth.
These seeds may or may not germinate, depending on your childhood and current environment.
Scientists talk about genes in terms of being turned on or off.
For example, you may have a gene for being an exceptional athlete, but unless you were in the environment where you received proper training, your dream of becoming an Olympic champion would not be realized.
In another example, let us say, you have inherited a gene for negative thinking or depression.
Triggered by the environment or a difficult life situation, you may tailspin into depression, while another person who does not have such a gene would deal with a similar situation in a more positive way and without becoming depressed.
Once triggered, the gene becomes activated and you may experience episodes of depression throughout your life.
The good news is that we all have a wide variety of genes! Just as we have destructive or "bad" genes, we also have the positive genes that will help us to take the high road.
These positive seeds are already within us! All we need to do in order to "turn off" our bad genes is reach within our minds and awaken the good genes that will help us to address our challenges in a more enlightened, constructive and positive way.
No matter how many setbacks you might have had in trying to change your eating or exercise habits, these good genes within you can lift you up and propel you to success.
Even better news is that it is possible to not only awaken and evolve your own good genes, but to create new positive genes and even pass them on to your children! A popular definition of Evolution: "Evolution is the change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms through successive generations.
" When we change our genes, the new traits are passed to our offspring: "The main cause of variation is mutation, which changes the sequence of a gene.
Altered genes, or alleles, are then inherited by offspring.
" Regardless of the argument whether human beings are the result of creation or evolution, it is clear that our conscious behavior CAN and DOES cause mutation of our genetic makeup, giving us a modified mode of behavior going forward.
The best news, perhaps, is that your genes are responsible for only 50% of your behavior.
Your conditioning is responsible for the other 50%.
It helps you to make the right choices on a daily basis, overriding your lifelong negative programming.
By taking charge, you are saying YES! to life.
By sticking with your commitment and consistently taking right action, you are developing willpower.
Willpower is instrumental in becoming successful not only in building your perfect body, but in any area of life.
Willpower is a mental "muscle" - the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
Even if you think of yourself as someone who has very little or no willpower, by making the right choices and taking right actions every day, one step at a time, you ARE building your willpower.
As you gain more willpower, you will start seeing the trend of success increasing in all areas of your life.
Regardless of your current active genes, please know that you have an unlimited potential for success! Affirmation for the day: "If it is to be, it is up to me! If I do have a set back, I bounce back even stronger than before.
Nothing and no one can prevent me from having this success and bringing the true me to the surface.
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