Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Overcoming Adversity Despair, and Disappointment in Life

2 Corinthians 4: 8-9; We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.
If you pick up today's newspaper, or turn on the news in your city, state or country in which you reside, you are no doubt bombarded with disaster after disaster, disappointment, and adversity that many of your fellow neighbors and fellow man are experiencing at any given moment of the day.
Unfortunately despair, affects all of mankind..
even you...
About Me, in the course of over 11 years now in helping people with goal setting, and developing smart goals for themselves, I cannot tell you the number of people who are facing seemingly insurmountable odds, and the overwhelming fear that seems to possess one's once positive attitude and positive thinking mindset.
Maybe you too are experiencing the trials of life yourself, and are suffering despair, adversity and setbacks in your personal or your professional life.
It is true, we cannot control outside forces and events that affect our lives...
we can control how we react to events and circumstances that impact us.
Overcoming Adversity Despair, and Disappointment Requires Faith As a personal; believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and savior in my life, I personally believe that the only way we can overcome challenges and obstacles in our life, is by inviting God first in our lives.
You see, God desires to have personal, and successful relationships with all God's children, including you.
Furthermore, how can you ever expect to grow and mature in your spiritual growth, and spiritual walk with God, if you are never faced with adversity in your life? Overcoming despair and adversity, yields spiritual growth and real character development.
Call out to God now, God hears your voice.
Don't worry if you don't quite know how to meditate and pray unto Him, God knows your heart.
I Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel,"Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him.
For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.
Develop the hope and faith in God above and in your God given abilities.
If after all, everything else in your life has not worked in dealing with obstacles, adversity and despair in your life, you have everything to gain and more, by making God apart of your life.
Also, if you ever want to know the age old secret how to be happy, and how to succeed in life, make God part of your life..
Overcoming Adversity Despair, and Disappointment Requires A Positive Attitude and Mindset As I write this to you, I am currently without a job.
My last previous contract that I was on ended January 31, 2011 with the federal government.
I have been working in HIV/AIDS for 11 years now in program management, and began my employment search over 2 years ago, knowing my job would eventually end-which it did.
Life is way too short, to get down and discouraged, feeling sorry for yourself, and I chose not to be defined to what many would choose regarding negative thinking, and self-defeatism.
Instead, I will rise above, and know God will supply my immediate needs by opening another opportunity in the way of a full time job my, in His time, and I have the hope and faith knowing God does provide.
Instead of succumbing to what you can't do, concentrate on what you can do.
Make a smart goals plan of action, in prioritizing what you can do now to minimize any obstacles and setbacks in moving forward.
Develop the positive thinking mindset and positive attitude that you need in overcoming any trials that the world throws your way.
Like the old adage, if you can believe it, you can achieve it still holds true today, conversely, if you don't believe you WILL, more likely more than not, you WON'T.
Develop the self discipline, and the self motivation to change your emotional outlook in how you look at adversity.
Remember too, the biggest room in the whole wide world is the room called self improvement, and self improvement, is something, you, nor I can ever receive enough of in our lifetime.
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