In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a handsome Greek youth who had never seen his reflection. The nymph Echo had been punished by Hera for gossiping by being cursed to forever €have the last word€. One day Echo saw Narcissus walking through the forest and wanted to express her love for him. Narcissus heard her but could not see her and when he asked, €Who's here?€, all Echo could reply, because of the curse, was €here€. When Echo finally revealed herself, she was shocked when Narcissus scornfully rejected her and she fled into the mountains. One day, when Narcissus became thirsty and stopped by a pond to take a drink, he saw his reflection in the water for the first time. Not knowing any better, he fell in love and started talking to it. Not yet understanding reflections, Narcissus thought his reflection was speaking to him and became more engaged. Unable to consummate his love, Narcissus pined away at the pool and changed into the flower that bears his name, the Narcissus.
Narcissism according to the wikipedia, it is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit or simple selfishness.
Everyone does not want to end up like Narcissus who ends up always looking at himself not knowing that he is in love with himself. Everyone does not want to end up like Echo. We do not want to be rejected and end up being hurt. But how can we avoid in that situation. How do you know if the person you are with is a narcissist? How do you know that you are a narcissist?
Here are some traits to know what a narcissist is:
Narcissists exploit weakness, or they create it in people.
They are charming. They make you feel you are the greatest; they make you dependent on their approval. Understanding them and yourself is the only way to survive.
He or she becomes disconnected from reality and fails to maintain mutually beneficial relationships with other people.
A narcissist €sees€ nothing but his or her own image, they also do not see the true self of others, so no empathy can possibly exist in a constant state of denial of feeling.
Grandiose. Convinced he knows more than others and is correct in all he or she does.
People are to be manipulated for his needs.
Projects faults on to others. High blaming behavior; never his fault.
A narcissist breaks person's spirits to keep them dependent.
He has to be right. He has to win. He has to look good
Kind only if he's getting from you what he wants.
Never asks anyone's opinion.
Narcissism according to the wikipedia, it is the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit or simple selfishness.
Everyone does not want to end up like Narcissus who ends up always looking at himself not knowing that he is in love with himself. Everyone does not want to end up like Echo. We do not want to be rejected and end up being hurt. But how can we avoid in that situation. How do you know if the person you are with is a narcissist? How do you know that you are a narcissist?
Here are some traits to know what a narcissist is:
Narcissists exploit weakness, or they create it in people.
They are charming. They make you feel you are the greatest; they make you dependent on their approval. Understanding them and yourself is the only way to survive.
He or she becomes disconnected from reality and fails to maintain mutually beneficial relationships with other people.
A narcissist €sees€ nothing but his or her own image, they also do not see the true self of others, so no empathy can possibly exist in a constant state of denial of feeling.
Grandiose. Convinced he knows more than others and is correct in all he or she does.
People are to be manipulated for his needs.
Projects faults on to others. High blaming behavior; never his fault.
A narcissist breaks person's spirits to keep them dependent.
He has to be right. He has to win. He has to look good
Kind only if he's getting from you what he wants.
Never asks anyone's opinion.