Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How Anorgasmia Can Affect Your Sex Life

Anorgasmia is a disorder in which a woman cannot reach orgasm.
Only 10% of women have this but for those that do it can be very frustrating.
For another 50% of women, they orgasm so infrequently and takes them so long to orgasm that it can be equally as frustrating.
For these women there is help out there for you.
You do not have to live your entire life free from orgasms.
Not only is it dissatisfying for you, but you are missing out on one of the most pleasurable experiences a body can have.
There are many physiological causes to infrequent or no orgasms.
It could be caused from the side effects of certain antidepressants, specifically Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs.
It is estimated that 50% of women and some men who take this drug will have no orgasms whatsoever.
There are other medical causes such as disease such as multiple sclerosis and conditions such as spinal cord injury.
Although it is far less common, it does happen.
More likely, Anorgasmia is caused by psychological reasons.
This could be because of stress, uncomfortable feelings with your partner, lack of experience, anger towards your partner, or general anxiety about having sex.
If you are not comfortable having sex then you certainly aren't going to enjoy yourself.
To orgasm you have to be open and responsive to the feelings that your body has, and without it, orgasms can be hard to come by.
You also have to have trust in the person that you are having sex with.
Men are different in the way that they do not connect sex to a specific person, but women who are much more emotional, very much connect sex to who they are making love to.
Without some sort of emotion, having an orgasm can be difficult at best.
Aside from speaking to your doctor to see if there is something they can recommend to you, you may want to take matters into your own hands and try a natural supplement that can help to enhance your sexual pleasure.
There are products that can raise your libido and increase your sex drive so that it is easier to orgasm.
These products combine the right type of herbs that can allow your body to feel more sexual and enjoy it more by giving you a natural and safe alternative to prescription medication.
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