All hope is not lost if you do not have a big penis.
There are many other things you can do to make up for that fact.
There are also specific positions you can use to still give your women an orgasm.
Here is The 5 Best Sexual Positions For A Small Penis.
Best Sexual Position 1 Doggy Style is one of the Best Sexual Positions to do, because there is no danger in having your penis falling out of her vagina.
Tell her to keep her legs closed; this will give you deep penetration when you are inside her.
Best Sexual Position 2 This position the woman is face down on her stomach.
Have her put a pillow under her pelvis area this way her hips will be raised.
Your legs will be on the outside of her legs.
This position will give you both a really good sensation.
Make sure her legs are closed tight once you are inside her.
This sexual position is good if you have a small penis also.
Best Sexual Position 3 Here is another sexual position for you to try.
You can have her lay on her back with both her knees raised up to her chest.
You can enter her this way.
This position will allow you to stay inside her very easily.
Best Sexual Position 4 This position she is also laying on her back.
This is almost similar to sexual position #3, but instead of her keeping her legs closed you will open them making a V-formation.
Hold her legs apart by the ankles as you go in and out of her.
Best Sexual Position 5 This last position also has you in full control.
You will be on top of her with her pelvis tilted in an upward position with a pillow under her bottom.
This is good for deep penetrating thrusting motion.
I just wanted to let some of you men know that not every women love's a man with a big penis.
A lot of women are afraid to have something that big thrusting inside them.
So this is where you could possibly step in.
One more thing you can do to make up for the fact that you have a small penis is to learn and practice being exceptionally good at giving oral sex to a woman and having foreplay.
I feel if you are a really great guy to be around you are off to a great start.
If you are outstanding at oral sex and foreplay you are ahead of the game.
There are many other things you can do to make up for that fact.
There are also specific positions you can use to still give your women an orgasm.
Here is The 5 Best Sexual Positions For A Small Penis.
Best Sexual Position 1 Doggy Style is one of the Best Sexual Positions to do, because there is no danger in having your penis falling out of her vagina.
Tell her to keep her legs closed; this will give you deep penetration when you are inside her.
Best Sexual Position 2 This position the woman is face down on her stomach.
Have her put a pillow under her pelvis area this way her hips will be raised.
Your legs will be on the outside of her legs.
This position will give you both a really good sensation.
Make sure her legs are closed tight once you are inside her.
This sexual position is good if you have a small penis also.
Best Sexual Position 3 Here is another sexual position for you to try.
You can have her lay on her back with both her knees raised up to her chest.
You can enter her this way.
This position will allow you to stay inside her very easily.
Best Sexual Position 4 This position she is also laying on her back.
This is almost similar to sexual position #3, but instead of her keeping her legs closed you will open them making a V-formation.
Hold her legs apart by the ankles as you go in and out of her.
Best Sexual Position 5 This last position also has you in full control.
You will be on top of her with her pelvis tilted in an upward position with a pillow under her bottom.
This is good for deep penetrating thrusting motion.
I just wanted to let some of you men know that not every women love's a man with a big penis.
A lot of women are afraid to have something that big thrusting inside them.
So this is where you could possibly step in.
One more thing you can do to make up for the fact that you have a small penis is to learn and practice being exceptionally good at giving oral sex to a woman and having foreplay.
I feel if you are a really great guy to be around you are off to a great start.
If you are outstanding at oral sex and foreplay you are ahead of the game.