Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Pick Up Artist Techniques - Cold Reading

Cold reading is a consummate skill with those who are well-schooled in pick up artist techniques. These are quite simply statements that are also truisms. You can use horoscopes, for example. These are comments that may be true about almost anyone, and they basically simply explain our human experience and our basic insecurities. They may also include thoughts or fears that people have, and you can use them to gain authority over your girl's world, and to demonstrate an understanding of women.

Cold reading, in addition to being one of the top pick up artist techniques, can also win you points in the attraction phase of a relationship. Even if the woman doesn't agree with your comment, you can still start a conversation about your impressions and where they came from. You don't want to seem like a mystic when you're cold reading, so don't use them too much. Just one or two of these comments in a typical conversation can work great at attracting a girl.

There are a couple cold reads that work especially well as pick up artist techniques. One starts out with telling a girl that she seems to you like a person who has many acquaintances, but few close, close friends. You bet she only has like one or two people she can really fully trust. Tell her that she seems like the type of person who might build walls around herself, but once she lets someone in, they are probably in for life. Tell her she is probably a very loyal person.

Nothing about that story is especially interesting or intricate, but the story can apply to lots of people. Most people only have a few friends that they really think are close, and most women do take some time to get to know people. It's an accurate cold read.

Another cold read will have you telling the woman that you can tell she's very independent, and probably the kind of person who does what she wants to do, even if everyone tells her not to.

That cold read is one of the shortest pick up artist techniques, since most women like to think they are very independent. You are using positive stereotypes, and no negative ones. When you do cold readings, use the phrase "I understand" a lot. You want to show the woman that you understand what she is about, and what's important to her.
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