Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Talk To An Ex: Tips on How to Convince Your Ex to Talk to You

Are you thinking of talking to your ex but is not sure if he wants the same thing? Do you feel that there are still things left unsaid that you needed to say to your ex? Are you still hoping that you will be able to talk to an ex without leading into a fight? Break-ups are painful and most prefer not to talk to an ex after the break-up because of the pain.
Going through the break-up is not easy.
You may feel lost and will choose to be alone rather than talk about the break-up.
Other times you will have the urge to talk to an ex but will be clueless as to how to proceed and convince your ex to talk to you.
If you are not sure how to make your ex say yes to your invitation for a talk, then the following tips can be helpful.
Tip #1: Make the Call: Take the initiative and dial his number.
Set your pride and hurt aside if you want to talk to an ex.
Instead of hoping for him to call, why not make the call yourself? Tell him that you only want to talk and nothing more.
He might misinterpret your calling him so you need to tell him right away while you are calling.
Be courteous when asking him for a talk and he will not be able to refuse.
Do not sound defensive or bitter while calling or he might end the call right away.
Tip #2: Write a Letter: If you are unable to dial the call for fear that he might not take your call, you can send him a letter explaining your desire to have a talk.
You need to carefully choose the words you will use in writing the letter in order for him to fully understand what is it that you want.
You can choose to send either a snail mail or email, it does not matter as long as you can write what you want to say in a letter.
If you want to talk to an ex, take the time to write him a sincere letter.
Tip #3: Ask His Friends' Help: Another method that you can use to talk to an ex is to ask for his friends' help.
Explain your intention to his friends and tell them that you will not be able to do it without their help.
They may doubt your intention at first and that is normal.
You just have to let them know and make them understand that you only want to talk to their friend and that is all.
Tip #4: Approach Him: This is a lot harder to do than the rest but if you are really determined to talk to him, then this is the best option.
There is no guarantee though that using this method can help you talk to an ex.
However, approaching an ex takes a lot of courage and for you to do it will definitely make your ex see your determined side and will not be able to say no to your request for a talk.
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