Halloween is coming and everyone has their own plans on what to do for the holiday including Halloween parties, prepare some foods, play trick or treat out-of-town vacation, or simply putting Halloween decorations all over the house.
Out-of-town vacation may not be very practical for most of us so Halloween parties and get-togethers are very common during the Halloween and spooky house decorations are always customary.
The pumpkin has always been associated with the Halloween.
It is usually carved with spooky faces and made into a Jack O'Lantern.
Pumpkins can also be made into several kinds of decorations.
They can be made into indoor or outdoor planters for your plants and a Halloween decoration at the same time.
Sample Pumpkin Planter Most people enjoy creating their own pumpkin planters and carve them with a spooky face.
For plant lovers and garden enthusiasts commercial planters that are designed for the Halloween that will save you from the burden of creating your own spooky custom planters.
These artificial modern planters are long lasting compared to real pumpkins.
So you can keep them after the Halloween and use them again next year.
Most of these commercial planters have built-in drainage system for easy maintenance and indoor use.
For those who enjoy creating custom planters for the Halloween, all you need to have is a pumpkin and a little creativity.
To make it easier, you can put the plant along with the pot inside the pumpkin planter instead of putting the plant directly into it.
Here's an easy and helpful tutorial on how to create a Halloween planter: 1.
Choose fresh round pumpkins large and tall enough for your plant and its planter.
Select a small potted plant that you will put on the pumpkin planter.
If you are planning to carve the pumpkin and make a spooky face out of it, you can choose a grass or a spikyplant to put into the planter to serve as the hair.
Phormium is a good example of it.
Carve an opening at the top of the pumpkin that is large enough to remove the stem, empty the pulp, and fit the planters inside.
Scoop out the seeds and pulp inside using a large spoon.
Optionally, you may then carve a spooky face or any design that you want on the pumpkin.
Clean out the pulp very well to keep the pumpkin from rotting.
Coat the exposed edges with petroleum jelly as well to keep the flesh from shriveling and drying up.
To keep the pumpkin from developing molds or shriveling up, you can also spray it with matte craft shellac.
You may now put your plant inside the pumpkin and put it in your porch, garden, or inside your home.
Since the Halloween is a short holiday, there is no need to put much decorations in your home especially when Christmas holiday comes after this.
Using custom planters that are designed for the Halloween are a simple yet functional way to decorate your home for the holiday.
Out-of-town vacation may not be very practical for most of us so Halloween parties and get-togethers are very common during the Halloween and spooky house decorations are always customary.
The pumpkin has always been associated with the Halloween.
It is usually carved with spooky faces and made into a Jack O'Lantern.
Pumpkins can also be made into several kinds of decorations.
They can be made into indoor or outdoor planters for your plants and a Halloween decoration at the same time.
Sample Pumpkin Planter Most people enjoy creating their own pumpkin planters and carve them with a spooky face.
For plant lovers and garden enthusiasts commercial planters that are designed for the Halloween that will save you from the burden of creating your own spooky custom planters.
These artificial modern planters are long lasting compared to real pumpkins.
So you can keep them after the Halloween and use them again next year.
Most of these commercial planters have built-in drainage system for easy maintenance and indoor use.
For those who enjoy creating custom planters for the Halloween, all you need to have is a pumpkin and a little creativity.
To make it easier, you can put the plant along with the pot inside the pumpkin planter instead of putting the plant directly into it.
Here's an easy and helpful tutorial on how to create a Halloween planter: 1.
Choose fresh round pumpkins large and tall enough for your plant and its planter.
Select a small potted plant that you will put on the pumpkin planter.
If you are planning to carve the pumpkin and make a spooky face out of it, you can choose a grass or a spikyplant to put into the planter to serve as the hair.
Phormium is a good example of it.
Carve an opening at the top of the pumpkin that is large enough to remove the stem, empty the pulp, and fit the planters inside.
Scoop out the seeds and pulp inside using a large spoon.
Optionally, you may then carve a spooky face or any design that you want on the pumpkin.
Clean out the pulp very well to keep the pumpkin from rotting.
Coat the exposed edges with petroleum jelly as well to keep the flesh from shriveling and drying up.
To keep the pumpkin from developing molds or shriveling up, you can also spray it with matte craft shellac.
You may now put your plant inside the pumpkin and put it in your porch, garden, or inside your home.
Since the Halloween is a short holiday, there is no need to put much decorations in your home especially when Christmas holiday comes after this.
Using custom planters that are designed for the Halloween are a simple yet functional way to decorate your home for the holiday.