Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Use Dog Training Aids

There are many dog training aids available, all designed to try to help you train your dog into a confident, happy, well-behaved member of the family.
Using dog training aids effectively can help you communicate your needs to your dog, but it can also help your dog to better understand what is expected of it.
When you're thinking about buying dog training aids, always select positive reinforcement aids that are designed to reward and encourage, rather than punish or control.
There is a big difference between degrading punishment and teaching him some discipline.
One method teaches him to modify his own behavior in anticipation of a reward, while the other makes him fearful and resentful.
One of the most effective dog training aids is often the most overlooked.
It's also the most misused.
This is your own affection.
Your dog craves approval, attention, and affection from you.
Offering your affection for the wrong reasons or just because he's there can often teach or reinforce the wrong kinds of behavior.
However, rewarding good behavior with a pat or some happy praise can show them that whatever he's doing is accepted behavior.
Using food rewards or treats is also incredibly effective, but once again, it can be misused.
Giving your dog a treat just because he's standing there doesn't teach your dog to modify his own behavior.
Always make your dog work to earn a treat.
This is not being cruel, as so many people believe.
It's mentally stimulating for your dog to try to work to earn food.
If you're using treats as training aids, command your dog to sit or stop barking or lay down on the floor before he receives his reward.
This makes him work for your approval and it teaches him to modify what he's doing to get your attention.
This can be a positive and reinforcing use of dog training aids, but it's also important not to use food as a bribe.
Bribing a dog to comply with your commands can sometimes backfire so that your dog won't do anything you tell it unless there's food present.
This is why you need to also accompany the treat with a happy, high-pitched 'good dog' and an affectionate pat.
When your dog's behavior is improving, those simple words of praise and touches of affection will be seen as the same as a reward whether you have food or not.
Using dog clickers can also be very effective dog training aids.
When you give a command, use the dog clicker.
When your dog obeys, offer him a treat as a reward.
Eventually he will come to realize that the clicker is a sign that a treat is on its way and so he'll respond positively.
All good dog training aids should be focused on positive reinforcement and reward for your dog.
It's much easier to teach discipline to a happy, well-adjusted dog who knows he has nothing to fear from his master.
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