Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Recall - Training Your Dog to Come

Some people find that getting their dog to "come" when they call them a little difficult to achieve.
The dog is off enjoying himself sniffing or doing something it much prefers to do.
Your dog has got to consider you are far more interesting than anything else that is going on.
The "come" command is probably the most important command you teach your dog.
Imagine the situation, your dog is racing off towards the hedge and beyond is a main road - you need to get your dog back to you! Here is what you can do.
If your dog can sit and stay, get him in the sit position.
You then move a few steps away from your dog and then clap your hands or pat the front of your legs to encourage him to come to you, while saying 'Come" in a firm tone, not shouting.
Doing it this way, your body language and your encouragement will undoubtedly do the trick and once he gets to you, smother him on the praise.
You might find that your dog just follows you rather than just staying.
If that happens you need to go back to more work on the stay command.
The second problem could be your dog does stay and you have taught it.
One way to get over this problem would be to work with your lead on your dog and again give a little tug to get him moving in your direction.
Next, in your garden, use a long lead or a long line on your dog.
Let your dog wander a few yards away, call him back to you and give a gentle, and I mean gentle tug on the lead.
Be ready with a treat and plenty of praise when your dog returns.
Work on this for several days before moving on the next stage.
When you are ready, you are going to try it out in the open.
You will be using the "come" command when the dog is actually returning to you.
So when you are out on your walk and your dog has been off sniffing or whatever, he decides he wants to return to you, now is your chance.
When he is a few yards away from you, call out "come", clap your hands and get excited about him returning to you.
When he get to you be ready with a treat in your hand.
Repeat this as often as you can, calling out "come" when you are certain your dog will return to you.
Make your self as exciting as possible, either with a treat or just by playing with your dog and his favourite toy, when your dog returns to you and you will have him wanting to return to you in no time at all.
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