- 1). Center a window screen over a picture frame. Staple the screen securely into the frame about every inch.
- 2). Shred several kinds of paper into small pieces. Fill a food processor or blender half full, and pour in water to the liquid line. Pulse for 60 seconds until the pulp mixture is smooth.
- 3). Fill a rectangular basin half full of water. Pour three to four processor loads of paper pulp into the basin. Add small, flat flower seeds and stir.
- 4). Immerse the frame into the water basin, slowly moving it back and forth until pulp covers the frame to the desired consistency. Lift the frame out of the water, being careful to keep it even. Hold the frame above the basin for a few seconds, allowing the excess water to drain off. Use a turkey baster full of pulp to fill in any gaps in the frame.
- 5). Place a disposable cloth on top of the frame and flip over with the pulp side facing down. Use a sponge to soak up any extra water. Have a friend hold the fabric flat while you slowly pick up the frame, leaving the pulp on the dish towel or cloth. Use your fingers to gently smooth any rough edges or bubbles.
- 6). Repeat the process again, stacking the disposable fabric squares on the cookie sheet until the pulp is gone from the basin. Lay a piece of cardboard over the final layer and place a stone or brick on top to squeeze out the extra water.
- 7). Peel the layers of cloth apart and allow them to dry for 24 hours. Carefully separate the cloths from the paper.
- 8). Turn the paper into cards or cut out shapes and attach to gifts. Include instructions for planting the paper. Recipients should rip small pieces of the seeded paper and plant.