- 1). Travel to the Battle Tower in the Battle Frontier area. The area will be locked on your map until you defeat the Elite Four. After they have defeated, you have a flying Pokemon take to the exclusive location.
- 2). Access the PC in the room.
- 3). Put the Pokemon you want to copy in Box 9.
- 4). Exit the PC.
- 5). Save your game by pressing "Save" from the game's menu.
- 6). Withdraw the Pokemon you recently deposited from Box 9.
- 7). Talk to the lady on the far right of the room. The lady will challenge you to a duel. A list of options will appear that will allow you to select the conditions of the fight.
- 8). Click on "Open-Level Battle."
- 9). Click on two Pokemon in your party to fight with, but do not select the Pokemon you wish to clone. After you have selected the Pokemon, the game will pause briefly. It will then enter into a save-game panel.
- 10
Turn on your console before the game saves. When you reboot the game, you will have a copy of the Pokemon in your inventory and in Box 9.