- 1). Soak the corn husks in warm water for 3 to 4 minutes make them flexible. Use paper towels to dry the husks.
- 2). Color the dried corn husks with fabric dye. Place the dye in boiling water, and add your corn husks. You will need seven to eight husks for each flower. Allow the husks to sit in the dye for 5 minutes. Remove the husks and let them dry on paper towels until completely dried.
- 3). Draw flower petals on card stock paper. The flower petals can resemble your favorite flower.
- 4). Make 20 to 25 petals for your corn husk flower. Place the card stock template over a corn husk and cut all of the petals carefully.
- 5). Use the 26 gauge wire for the flower petals. Measure out 8 inches of the wire, and cut it with sharp scissors.
- 6). Measure out a 2-inch by 3-inch strip of corn husk. Roll the husk into a tight cylinder shape to create the center or stamen of your flower. Wrap the wire around the stamen two to three times.
- 7). Place each flower petal against the stamen. Wrap each petal with the gauge wire twice. Start at the center of the stamen, and work your way around to attach all the petals.
- 8). Ensure that the petals are even. Once you are back to the first petal, bend the gauge wire down to create a flower stem. Wrap the stem with floral tape to finish your corn shuck flowers.