- 1). Position the sheet of paper on a table in front of you. Fold it in half from bottom to top and crease the fold. Now you have a rectangle with the folded side toward you.
- 2). Bring the lower right corner to the left side. The corner's point should meet the left edge about a third of the way from the top. Press and crease the fold.
- 3). Bring the lower left corner toward the upper right side, creasing it at the edge of the flap you made in the previous step. This flap forms a triangle pointing up toward the right. Now you have a kite shape with a small triangle peeking out on the top left and a larger triangular flap on top.
- 4). Fold the right edge over so that it lines up with the left. This will hide the triangle in the middle of the fold. Now you have a shape that resembles a torch with a horizontal edge of paper near the top.
- 5). Cut the paper starting at the middle of the right edge and angling up to the left side of the horizontal edge. The cut will be at about a 45-degree angle. Discard the top part that you cut away.
- 6). Unfold the paper to reveal the star. Reverse some of the creases to make it three-dimensional. The long folds should stand up and the short folds should make valleys.