- 1). Make one double crochet stitch into the the second stitch from the bottom left corner of the Afghan. Start by inserting the crochet hook into the stitch, catching the yarn and drawing a loop onto the hook. Wrap the yarn once around the hook to make a second loop. Insert the hook into the stitch, catch the yarn, draw it through the stitch and bring a third loop onto the hook. Catch the yarn and draw it through the two loops nearest the hook's tip, dropping the loops as you go. You should have two loops on the hook. Catch the yarn again and draw it through the loops as you drop them. One new loop should remain.
- 2). Make one double crochet stitch into each stitch along the bottom edge. Make two double crochet stitches into the corner stitch before continuing to the next edge. Repeat this step until you have worked every stitch in your Afghan.
- 3). Make a slip stitch into the first edge stitch you worked. Insert the hook into the stitch, catch the yarn and draw it through both the stitch and the last loop on your hook, dropping the loop as you go.
- 4). Cut the yarn and draw it through the last loop, pulling it tight to secure. Use the tapestry needle to weave in the loose ends.