- 1). Cut two pieces of solid-colored card stock measuring 17.8 centimeters-by-12.7 centimeters.
- 2). Measure and mark on one of the pieces of card stock vertical and horizontal lines that are 2 centimeters in from each edge. The lines will intersect to form a rectangle.
- 3). Place the marked piece of card stock in front of you so it runs vertically.
- 4). Score along the top line, between the two vertical lines.
- 5). Cut along the other three lines, staying between the two horizontal lines when cutting the vertical and between the two vertical lines when cutting the horizontal. You now have a piece of card stock with a flap, attached along the top, cut out of the center
- 6). Apply strips of double-sided tape along the three edges that you cut between the edge of the paper and the line that you cut.
- 7). Line up the other piece of solid-colored card stock with the first and press it down firmly, running your fingers over where the double-sided tape is to adhere the two pieces together. Flip the whole thing over.
- 8). Score the flap 6.9 cm up from its bottom edge. This is the halfway point.
- 9). Punch half of a 1-inch circle paper punch along the top of the card, the side where the flap of card stock is still attached, to create a little half-circle notch.
- 10
Cut another piece of solid-colored card stock measuring 17.8 cm-by-8.7 cm. - 11
Lay the new piece of card stock out in front of you so it runs vertically. Fold the bottom 1 1/2 cm of the card stock up. - 12
Cut the very edges of the 1 1/2 cm flap off, only about .2 cm. - 13
Slide this strip of card stock into the pocket you created so that the flap folds up toward the side of the pocket with the flap cut out. - 14
Apply a strip of double-sided tape to the side of the 1 1/2-cm flap that shows when it is folded up. - 15
Fold the flap attached to the pocket under at the line you scored so its bottom 1 1/2 cm can attach to the 1 1/2-cm flap of the piece of card stock inside the pocket. - 16
Cut out a 13.8 cm-by-9.7 centimeter piece of patterned card stock. - 17
Stamp your greeting onto the piece of patterned card stock. Ink the stamp well before you stamp because you are stamping on patterned card stock. - 18
Pull the sliding part of the card by the part that shows in the notch you punched so that the flap pops up into a sort of tent shape. - 19
Use double-sided tape to attach the bottom of the patterned piece of card stock to the popped-up part of the card so the patterned card stock will move with the tented part. - 20
Push the sliding part of the card back down so that the whole card is flat.