- 1). Gather photos of your baby from the first days of life. Hospital photos, coming home photos, photos with Mom, Dad and any other relatives are best. Be sure to zoom in on your baby and crop out any distracting details. Create 4x6 prints, either at home or at a photo processing center.
- 2). If you have access to a flatbed scanner, scan your baby's hospital birth certificate, foot prints, the card off the hospital bassinet, and wrist bands. You can also take these items to any photo processing center and use the flatbed scanner. Make copies of these items and print them out on 4x6 prints.
- 3). Insert a sample of pre-cut stock into the photo book to check for size--most are a 1/2 inch larger than a 4x6 photo. Trim the paper if it is too large. Mount photos on stock using double stick tape. An average 4x6 photo should yield a 1/4-inch border. Trim the photos for a larger border.
- 4). Arrange the photos and scans in an album.
- 5). Create a special cover for your baby brag book with your baby's best photo. Using home software, or a photo center's website, label the photo with your baby's name, birth date, weight and length. Create a 4x6 print and mount with double stick tape on card stock.