- 1). Use a ruler to draw a 6-inch by 6-inch square in the center of your paper. This is the base of the pyramid. Mark the center of each side of the square with a small dot. Draw a four-inch line sticking out from each dot and perpendicular to each side.
- 2). Draw more lines connecting the tip of each 4-inch line to the corners of the square so that you have one equilateral triangle on each side of the square. Make dots up both sides of each triangle, ½ an inch apart and connect them with straight lines. Draw glue tabs on the sides of each triangle as well. This is your pyramid pattern.
- 3). Cut out your pyramid pattern, making sure to cut out the tabs as well. Crease each triangle along the parallel lines, folding the triangles in toward the center square. The result should be several 90-degree angles, or steps, folded into each triangle.
- 4). Fold the triangles up so their sides meet. The steps should line up exactly. Smear glue on the glue tabs of one triangle and press them onto the inside of the triangles on either side of it. Continue until all of the triangles are glued this way.
- 5). Fill the plastic tub with natural-colored sand and spray the pyramid with spray adhesive. Place the pyramid in the tub and use a spoon to scoop sand onto it for a realistic finish.