- Write out every letter of the alphabet on separate sheets of paper. Place the sheets on the floor randomly in a circle. Instruct the students to stand around the circle of sheets on the floor. When ready, turn on some music. Tell the kindergartners to move around the circle of letters one after the other. At a random moment, turn the music off. The children all have to stand on one of the letters in the circle to claim it. Once everyone has claimed a letter, have them name the letter and come up with a word that starts with that letter. Keep playing for multiple rounds.
- Assemble the kindergartners in a large, open space. Divide the players into two teams -- one the "true" team and the other the "false" team. When ready, state something that's either true or false. "The sky is blue" or "The grass is red" work well. If you say a true statement, the true team has to run to the left to a finish line with the false team chasing after them trying to tag their opponents. If you say a false statement, the reverse is true. Any players tagged join the opposite team. The game continues for as long as you like.
- Stand at the front of the room while your students stand facing you. Turn on some music and pick only one body part the children can use. You can, for instance, start out by wiggling your index finger or nodding your head to the rhythm. The students copy exactly what you do. Choose different body parts, or a combination of two or more at a time, to move during the game. Have the students call out the body parts you move as you play. Continue for as long as you like, letting the kids take turns playing leader.
- Assemble the students in a sitting circle. Pick a color to start out with, such as blue, green or yellow. The children then go around the circle and have to state something made of that color. For example, if the color is red, one child can say "fire" while another can say "ruby." Continue the activity with a new color after each child in the circle has contributed for each color.
Frozen Letters
True or False Run
Dancing Body Parts
Colors of the World