- Make popcorn crafts for kids!popcorn image by Marek Kosmal from Fotolia.com
So many crafts require a lot of materials and a trip to the craft store. As a result, if it is a rainy day and your child is bored, you may not have the materials on hand do some of these complicated craft projects. Fortunately, there are plenty of fun crafts you can do around the house with things you have on hand. For example, you could try several fun popcorn crafts with your child. - If you are in a holiday mood, you and your child could make popcorn wreaths. You'll need the popcorn, some toothpicks, glue, red ribbon, a hot glue gun, a Styrofoam wreath, and some scissors. Break the toothpicks in half, and then stick a piece of popcorn onto each toothpick and secure it with glue. Stick your toothpicks with popcorn into the wreath, and space the toothpicks close enough to each other that none of the Styrofoam is visible. However, only do this on one side of the wreath, otherwise the wreath will not hang flat on the wall. Finally, tie the red ribbon into a bow and glue it onto the front of the wreath. Let it dry for a day, and then display it.
- A popcorn rain stick is another fun craft with popcorn. Rain sticks imitate the sound of falling rain, and usually have seeds inside. However, popcorn kernels can be a good substitute. You'll need the popcorn seeds, a cardboard towel cylinder, paint supplies, scrap paper, glue, scissors, stickers or other types of decorating materials, and tape. First, paint the tubes any color and let dry. Then cut the scrap paper to the size of one of the openings on the cylinder. Secure in place with tape. Next, add the popcorn kernels to the tube, but don't over stuff the tube. Cut some scrap paper and close the other end of the tube. Then, feel free to decorate your rain sticks however you want!
- A popcorn necklace is another fun popcorn craft. You'll need cooked popcorn, a large but blunt needle, thick thread, and dried fruit or wooden beads. After you cook your popcorn, thread the needle with a piece of thread to about 25 inches long. Then push the needle through pieces of popcorn, and alternate wooden beads or dried fruit into the necklace as you wish. Leave about two inches at each end. Tie the ends of your thread to each other, and you have a beautiful piece of new jewelry!
Popcorn Wreaths
Popcorn Rain Stick
Popcorn Necklace