- 1). Find a shirt that is no longer needed and cut it apart along the seam lines. You will use the front panels, Back panel, collar, cuffs and sleeves. Set the cuffs aside for now.
- 2). Cut the sleeves in half, lengthwise. Keep the half that does not have the buttons for both sleeves.
- 3). Draw a line on the back panel from both points of the neck -- the highest points along the neckline -- to the corner of the hem on both sides of the panel. Cut along these lines.
- 4). Lay the front and back panels side-by-side, with the front panels on either side of the back one. Draw a line from the inside curve of the armhole to the hem on both panels and cut along the line.
- 5). Lay the sleeves on either side of your panels and sew all five panels together. Fold the fabric in half. Trim the neck and hem lines if needed. Draw a straight line from the point of the neck to the corner hem of the newly sewn fabric. Cut along this line and remove the piece that is cut out.
- 6). Hem the edges and bottom of the cape and sew the collar to the neck of the cape. The extension on the collar will have the uppermost button from the shirt, which will hold the cape on. Finally, design and cut out your logo from the felt and use the fusible web to attach it to the cape.