- 1). Measure the distance in inches around the tree trunk, car or other large object you wish to decorate with a bow. Add five feet to your measurement to allow for overage and mistakes. Write this figure down and take it to your local fabric store.
- 2). Purchase the appropriate amount of outdoor-rated vinyl fabric, preferably fabric that is 60 inches wide and that has a shiny varnish finish.
- 3). Cut the length of your 60-inch wide sheet of fabric in half so that each half measures 30 inches wide. Use only one piece of 30-inch wide fabric. Set aside the other piece for now.
- 4). Make a 45-degree angle line with a pencil at each end of the fabric length you are using to create your giant bow. Cut along the line with a pair of fabric scissors.
- 5). Follow the same steps that you would to make a basic bow out of a normal-sized piece of ribbon. Find the middle of the fabric. Measure two feet out in one direction. Fold the fabric in half at that point and pin it together with a fabric pin. Make a loop from the pinned point back to the center of the fabric. Pin the loop in place at the center of the fabric with a fabric pin.
- 6). Twist the fabric so that the shiny side faces out and make a second two-foot long loop on the other side of the first one. Pin it in place at the center of the fabric.
- 7). Measure one foot out in one direction and create a loop as before. Pin it in place at the center of the fabric. Measure one foot in the opposite direction, twist the fabric so the shiny side faces out and create and pin a second loop. Repeat this process two more times, each time decreasing the size of the loop by 50 percent.
- 8). Make a single loop in the center of the fabric for a final circle at the center of your giant bow. Make sure the shiny side faces out and pin the circle in place.
- 9). Straighten the tails of the bow and make sure they’re fairly even in length. Trim the ends if necessary to make them roughly equal to each other.
- 10
Wrap the straight, unused piece of 30-inch wide fabric that you set aside earlier around the tree, car or other large object you are attaching the bow to. Pin the ends together where they meet around the top or center of the object. Trim the ends. Use a hot glue gun to attach the bow to the ribbon at that point.