- 1). Begin by holding all three piece of yarn together so that the ends touch, and wrap a rubber band around them to hold them in place as you braid. Lay the yarn down on a flat surface.
- 2). Pull the piece of yarn on the far left over the yarn in the middle and lay it down on the flat surface so that it now becomes the middle piece.
- 3). Pull the yarn on the far right over the yarn in the middle, and lay it down on the flat surface; this yarn is now the middle piece.
- 4). Repeat steps one and two, tightening the knots as you go, until you have reached the ends of your yarn.
- 5). Tie off the end of the braid by holding the ends together, looping them around your index finger, pulling the ends up through the loop and tightening. Remove the rubber brand, and repeat the knot on the top end.