1Prepare your machine. Make sure the carriage is clean and well lubricated with the specified lubricant suggested by the manufacturer. Be sure to free the machine of any residual fibers that may have become embedded from a previous project or owners. Use only center pull skeins of yarn or yarn that has been wound on a cone specially designed for machine knitting.
Pull out the desired number of stitches by pushing the keys you desire forward. Do not push them so far that they come past the end of the bed of the machine, but just far enough that the carriage will push them back and forth when it is passed over them.
Thread your machine by placing the yarn through the tension wire. Then thread your machine by placing the yarn into the carriage. Push across the knitting bed once.
Attach your cast-on comb to the row you have just cast on. Carefully thread the metal teeth over the stitches in order to weigh the stitches down properly.
Push the carriage back and forth for the desired amount of rows that your knitting pattern requires. End with your carriage on the right side of your work.
Cast off your knitting by binding off your work while it is still on the machine. There are myriad ways to cast off your knitting, but the simplest is to stitch it with a yarn needle. Pull out a long length of yarn and thread it through a yarn needle. Run it through the first hole then the second. Go back through the first hole and into the third and back through the second again. This one-forward, one-back method makes for a tidy edging.