- 1). Install Windows Vista if you haven't already.
- 2). Type "Disk Management" in the Start menu search box. The Disk Management window will open.
- 3). Right-click the C drive and select "Shrink volume." The "Shrink C:" window will open.
- 4). Enter "5000" in the box marked "Enter the amount of space to shrink in MB:". Click "Shrink." This creates a new volume, which the window marks as "unallocated."
- 5). Insert the iATKOS DVD. Restart your computer. It will boot from the DVD, and a countdown will appear on the screen.
- 6). Press the F8 key before the countdown reaches "0."
- 7). Type "-v". Press "Enter." Text will scroll down the screen as the installer loads.
- 8). Click "Utilities." Select "Disk Utility." The next screen's left panel will list your partitions.
- 9). Click the partition you created. Note the partition number. If you have created no additional partitions before today, it will be "Partition 2."
- 10
Click "Erase" from the top of the right panel. - 11
Select "MAC OSX Journaled Extended" from the right panel's drop-down box. Enter a name (for example, "Mac Hard Drive") in the second box. - 12
Click the "Erase" button below the two boxes. Confirm your choice in the window that opens. - 13
Close the "Disk Utility" window. - 14
Click "Utilities." Select "Darwin Boot." Type "Y". - 15
Type "1" when the prompt asks for your disc number. Type the partition number you noted in Step 9 when it asks for your partition number. - 16
Type "Y" at the next few prompts. Close the window to return to the installation screen. - 17
Click "Agree." The "Select a Destination" window will open. - 18
Choose the partition you named in Step 11. Click "Continue." - 19
Click through the next screens without editing anything to minimize the chance of the installation failing. When installation finishes, restart your computer. - 20
Repeat steps 6 and 7. The installation menu will return. - 21
Click "Utilities." Select "Darwin Boot." Type "-s". - 22
Type the following commands:
fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0
flag 1
reboot - 23
Eject the DVD. Restart your computer. Vista will load. - 1). Insert the DVD again, but do not run it. Open the DVD from My Computer. Copy the file "chain0" into the C directory.
- 2). Type "cmd.exe" in the Start menu search bar to open command prompt. Enter the following commands:
bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Mac OS X"
bcdedit /enum active
The window will return text that includes, among other things, the words "MAC OS X" and a string of numbers and letters. - 3). Type the following, replacing "[string]" with that string:
bcdedit /set [string] PATH \chain0
Restart your computer. - 4). When the computer starts up, do nothing to load Vista.
- 5). To load Mac OS X, select it from the boot screen. When the countdown timer completes, press "F8" and choose your new partition.
Install iATKOS on a New Partition
Configuring for Dual Boot