- Get a paper bag in the size that you want your gift bag to be. Paint the entire outside of your paper bag with orange poster paint. Give it two coats so it is bright and vivid. Allow the paint to dry.
- Draw or find a pattern for a pumpkin face that you like. Re-size it on a printer if necessary so that it fits the front of your bag. Use carbon paper to trace the outline of the pumpkin pattern onto your bag. Paint the parts of the pumpkin pattern that you would normally cut out on a regular pumpkin with yellow paint. If you would like to make it glow in the dark, mix some glow-in-the-dark paint with the yellow paint. Give it two or three coats to make it very bright.
- Take a ruler and a black colored pencil, sharpened to a fine point. Lay the ruler vertically on the bag and trace lines down from the top to the bottom. Skip over any areas painted yellow. The lines should only be on the orange parts. Trace the lines on both the front and the back of the bag. With a thin brush and black poster paint, paint a thin line around the yellow features. This will help them stand out more. Allow the paint to dry.
- Take a hole puncher and make two holes on the front of the bag and two holes on the back of the bag. These should be approximately an inch or two from the top edge, and each hole should be approximately an inch or two from the side of the bag.
Color about 16 page hole reinforcers with an orange marker. Place a page reinforcer over each hole in the bag on the outside and on the inside. This will use up 8 of them. Use the remaining 8 over the first ones to double them up, and double the reinforcement. - Take two strips of ribbon, approximately 6 to 12 inches, depending on how long you want the bag's handles to be. Thread the ends of one ribbon through the holes in the front of the bag and the two edges from the second ribbon through the holes in the back of the bag. The ribbon ends should be on the inside of the bag. Tie several knots on top of each other until they are too thick to fit through the holes you punched.
You can now put a gift or Halloween treats in it, or use it for trick-or-treating.
Paint it Orange
Make a Pumpkin Face
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Make Holes for Handles
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