- 1). Use a fine grit sand paper to remove any ridges or lumps. Wash the figurine with a damp sponge. Wipe it with soft cloth. Let it dry. Mist with one coat of matte spray varnish to seal and let it dry.
- 2). Basecoat the figure with two coats of color to set a firm color foundation using the 1/2-inch brush. Let it dry. Layer selected colors onto the project from top to bottom. Dry between coats of color. A variety of colors should be used for light, medium and dark values. Dark colors are added for shading and light colors for highlighting. Dry before moving to the next stage of painting. Should any embellishment be added to the project, such as dots or crosshatching, it should be applied prior to dry brushing or finishing.
- 3). To dry brush paint on the project, apply a scant amount of paint to the brush and wipe excess off onto a paper towel. Drag the brush lightly over the area in one direction. Repeat if necessary. Start with dark colors. When dry, add the light value for highlight using the same technique. Dry brushing can be repeated as needed.
- 4). Finish the project with 2 to 3 coats of spray varnish. Dry between applications.
- 5). If the figurine will be placed outside, it should have additional coats of varnish applied for protection.